Kaluma’s Executive Briefing on IT Security Policy – ISO/IEC 27001. Yes, you’re Accountable!

Executives, ignorance of IT Security Policy does NOT remove accountability. The buck truly stops at the top, and over the next few blog posts Kaluma will be introducing you to our series of eBooks providing you succinct briefings on the policies, regulations and best practices that you as leaders need to be aware of.

Our first Executive Briefing covers the internationally accepted best practice for IT Security – ISO/IEC 27001. Kaluma’s aim is to bring awareness of the issues and accountability in this critical, board-level issue. These briefings are not aimed at technologists, but are rather aimed at the business leaders at the top of the organizational ladder.

Our short ebook is available at no charge, and will quickly help you understand:

  1. What is the ISO/IEC 27001 standard and why on earth you, as an organizational leader should know about it and care about it
  2. The shift that’s already taken place in terms of your direct accountability for security breaches
  3. Actionable information and a framework for engaging with your IT department and suppliers

We’ll show you how hundreds of millions of customer records have been exposed via data breaches in the last few months – a trend that’s accelerating. We’ll help you understand your liability and accountability, and we’ll help ensure you’re informed and able to take the appropriate next steps, and start those important internal conversations.

At this point we suggest you take a moment to download our Executive Briefing: ISO/IEC 27001 (estimated reading time: 5 minutes), and then subscribe to our Newsletter to be notified as we release further guides in this free series of ebooks.

“It is not only what WE do, but also what WE do not do for which WE are accountable”

John Baptiste Molière