“Security Awareness” is defined as the level of knowledge, understanding and mindfulness that members of an organisation have with regards to the protection of the physical, technological and informational assets of the organisation.
In terms of information technology security awareness, it is essential that every person in every organisation is aware of the company’s internal security processes, as well as the national and international compliance processes. If this level of awareness is not created, the organisation will be susceptible to cyber and informational crime. In many instances of hackings and data breaches, the cause is cited as employee error. While, in some cases, this is due to a deliberate “inside job”, in many it occurred merely because the staff member was not fully aware of the security policy requirements.
When on-boarding a staff member, provide them with security policies and procedures in a format that they can understand, backed up by online or visual examples, to ensure that they grasp the security awareness concept. Implementing software to track compliance will go a long way to ensure awareness is achieved throughout the organisation.
What is the level of security awareness in your organisation?
To protect your organisation’s information security, and to ensure data protection compliance, contact Kaluma for customised software solutions that support the unique requirements of your organisation’s data security: CLICK HERE.
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